[tab title=”About Us”]
[heading style=”1″]About Angels Armoire[/heading]
Angels Armoire is the Clothing Ministry of Remnant Fellowship Church. We are located in the back of 308 Seaboard Lane, Franklin, TN.
Our Hours of Operation
[list style=”star”]
- 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month 10a-1p
- We are also open most Wednesdays and Saturdays after our assemblies.
Volunteer Hours
[list style=”star”]
- 1st and 3rd Sundays 10:00am-1:00pm
- 2nd and 4th Mondays 6:30pm-8:30pm
- Wednesdays and Saturdays TBA
[button link=”http://store.weighdown.com/remnant/RFGuidance.aspx” color=”#d20e0e” size=”5″ style=”1″ dark=”0″ radius=”auto” target=”blank”]Volunteer to Help with Angels Armoire[/button]
[tab title=”Recent News” active=”yes”]
[heading style=”1″]Recent News[/heading]
[display-posts category=”angels-armoire” posts_per_page=”5″ include_date=”true” image_size=”medium” include_excerpt=”true” wrapper=”div”]
[tab title=”Consigner Info”]
[heading style=”1″]Consigner Info[/heading]
Would you like to consign clothes at Angels Armoire?
Use the following steps…
[dropcap style=”2″ size=”3″]1[/dropcap] Use the form below to request a Consigner number.
[dropcap style=”2″ size=”3″]2[/dropcap] Download the Policy Form (link below), print it, fill it in and bring it with you when you bring your clothes.
Angels Armoire Consigner Policy Form
[dropcap style=”2″ size=”3″]3[/dropcap] Download the guidelines and the clothing tags (links below). Use the guidelines to prepare your clothing for consignment and fill in the tags and use one per item consigned.
Angels Armoire Tagging Guidelines
Consigner Number Request Form
[si-contact-form form=’1′]
[tab title=”Sales”]
[heading style=”1″]Sales Calendar[/heading]
[ai1ec view=”posterboard”]
[tab title=”FAQs”]
[heading style=”1″]Frequently Asked Questions[/heading]
[expand title=”When can I donate Spring and Summer clothes and assessories?” rel=”faq” ]
[expand title=”When can I donate Fall and Winter clothes and accessories?” rel=”faq” ]
[expand title=”Where do I drop off donations?” rel=”faq” ]
308 Seaboard Lane (Weigh Down Office) during Monday-Friday business hours or Angels Armoire hours. There is a designated drop off location in the warehouse.
[expand title=”Can I drop off, off-season clothes?” rel=”faq” ]
Not at this time. Please see the above FAQs.
[expand title=”Do you accept housewares?” rel=”faq” ]
[expand title=”When can I bring toys for the toy sale?” rel=”faq” ]
We will begin accepting toys for the toys sale in November.
[expand title=”What is ‘appropriate’ to donate?” rel=”faq” ]
Clothing in gently worn condition, clean with no holes or stains.
[expand title=”What items besides clothing can I donate or consign?” rel=”faq” ]
Purses, jewelry, scarfs, hats, belts, gloves, gently worn shoes.
[expand title=”How should I bring my donations in?” rel=”faq” ]
In bags, boxes or totes, clean, no stains or holes, folded would be great!
[expand title=”Can I buy a gift certificate?” rel=”faq” ]
[expand title=”Is there anything I can donate to the ministry?” startwrap=”” endwrap=”” rel=”faq” ]
Yes… white plastic hangers, white plastic hanger clips, metal pant hangers, rolling racks, colored printer ink HP (check with us on Model number).