“You Fall in Love With What You Focus On!” We all got to turn our focus up to God this week and fall more in Love with HIM in the process! Our incredible Junior Counselors did a phenomenal job this week caring for the girls and pointing them up to God!! Where in the world can you find teenagers like this?!? We are praising God for the fruit of this message, lived out in the lives of these godly young people! Here’s a sweet recap of week 6, written by one of our sweet JCs, Maddie Kurtz:
This week was full of fun and surprises for the girls of Gad. We all became closer to God and closer to each other as we continue to learn and put into practice the teachings of this message and implement the Fruit of the Spirit into our every moment.
Several girls and JC’s came back from trips, including Ema Aurenheimer, who returned from Germany on Tuesday. She told the girls all about her adventures in a foreign land. She brought each of the girls some chocolates that she brought all the way over from Deutschland! The girls were so excited to ask her questions about how life is different over there, and were thrilled by her stories.
The girls had a much more fluid schedule this week, and everyone followed the Spirit wherever it moved with a happy attitude. We have continued to learn about our Women from the Bible, reading and discussing the stories of Mary Magdalene, the Samaratan Woman, Martha and Mary of Bethany, and the woman who washed Jesus’ feet. It is so amazing that the Bible offers such wonderful examples of the godly women we all want to grow up to be.
The girls also continued to work on their Colossians 3 verse and the hand motions that go with it. There is nothing more beautiful than watching twenty or so girls moving the hands in unison as they recite the Word of God.
We worked on cards for our dear saints, Joseph and Sonya Smith and continued to make cards for the girls out of town. We had coloring classes on Wednesday with Miss Nancy Higgins which the girls loved.
Overall, it was a week of great refinement of all of us. The girls continued to practice obedience and being kind to each other, even when it doesn’t seem like your authority is watching. It was amazing to watch these girls follow the lead of their JC’s and encourage each other to look for what the authority wants you to do. So beautiful!
We are praying and looking forward to our last week of daycamp 2014!! It’s been an incredibly blessed summer so far!! We can’t wait to fall more in love with God this last week! God is amazing!!!