Remnant Fellowship Summer Day Camp program begins tomorrow! The tribe of Manasseh, our middle school boys, has much to be excited about. Could there be a more refining, uplifting and FUN way for our youth to spend the summer???
The focus is The Characteristics of Christ and activities are numerous. Our middle school boys will have an opportunity to serve in the church garden, learn scouting and readiness skills, try their hand at photography, take some field trips and swim, and volunteer in lots of different ways! Please be sure to bring Bibles and Journals plus a new workbook will be provided,
We are in need of some driving assistance; if you are able to help on any of the following dates, please let our adult counselors know: Thursday June 6 pm, Wednesday June 12 pm, Monday June 24 all day, Wednesday July 3 pm, Wednesday July 10 all day, Thursday July 6 pm, Tuesday July 23 all day, Wednesday July 24 pm.
We are prayful that this will be summer spent Glorifying God!