Please take a moment and read this testimonial by Otis and Rhonna Rickman:
“God has truly blessed us through this amazing message and has given us a huge group of friends that have gifts that are beyond amazing. God led us to sell our house and move quickly with over 88 people coming to help on a 100 degree night in July. Then again on a very, very cold night just a few short days before Christmas, another large group of saints gathered to help us move once again to our new home. We found our new house and decided to make a few changes. We were blessed to use Exodus Construction for our remodel and a beautiful group of friends that volunteered to help dismantle and tile and anything else we needed. It is truly like living in the Book of Acts, one person has a gift to do the physical labor, the other person has the gift to find and reach out to those with the construction gift, the other people without construction gifts are singing joyfully, making meals, and all of this with smiles and joy beyond measure. After building a house in MN before moving here, it is truly black and white to get to walk into your home while people are working and have no fear that your children will hear an inappropriate word or see men smoking or anything at all negative. Truly a sight to behold! It is hard to put into words how amazing this experience was for our family.”