![HistoryOTG_logo History of the One True God Class](http://www.remnantfellowshipministries.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/HistoryOTG_logo.jpg)
The History of the One True God Facebook Class and the Weigh Down Basics Facebook Class are already into Week 4 – only 2 more weeks to go. These classes have been INCREDIBLE!! Thank you to all who are participating!! So.. what is next…
For those who are currently in the History of the One True God Class, you will be continuing on with the Legend to the Treasure Class starting on Sunday, March 3rd. This class is a 16-week plunge into the end of praise of Man, the last 10 pounds, and the last bit of self. The coordinators of this class are highly trained and very encouraging. This class is being offered at a one time reduced rate for Facebook and there is a special price for those who are repeating. Chat time will remain on Sundays at 3:30 pm. You can sign up today by clicking on this link http://store.weighdown.com/Legend-To-The-Treasure-C237.aspx
For those class participants in the Weigh Down Basics Class on facebook, you also will be continuing on Sunday, March 3rd. You have a choice of retaking the Weigh Down Basics Class or moving on to the Exodus Out of Egypt: The Change Class. Whichever class you chose, your “basics” chat time will remain on Sundays at 2:30 pm Central. Here is a link to the Change Class http://store.weighdown.com/Exodus-Out-Of-Egypt-Change-Series-C235.aspx
These classes continue to change our life and we thank God for the Weigh Down Ministries! See you on Facebook!!