This MESSAGE that GOD has poured out through Gwen Shamblin for more than a quarter of a century has produced more “good fruit” than any of us could ever fully tally up. The blessings for obedience to and love for HIM are overflowing. Just ONE of those blessings comes in the form of incredible, Godly, moving, uplifting, and deep MUSIC. GOD has gifted Michael Shamblin in the mold of his mother Gwen…in that the Truth pouring out through Michael’s music is a never-ending fountain of Truth that is inspired by Gwen’s messages. ALL of it is from the HEAVENS! And everyone else who is involved in Remnant music in some way can testify to its power, its FUN, and to the pure JOY that comes from serving in this way. In a future Post, we’ll cover a bigger scope of all of the various groups and ensembles and types of music that are pouring out of this place through our Remnant members, but in the meantime, here are a few updates as to what is happening with our CHOIR and our PRAISE BAND…
The CHOIR continues to rehearse nearly every week – on Thursday evenings at 6:15pm. We e-mail the Choir each week to confirm that we are or are not rehearsing that particular Thursday. We currently are spending time on a variety of songs…from Hosanna Symphony songs to music from the “next Viewsical” to Legend to the Treasure pieces to classic Choir songs from our past years of learning together. If you can sing at all…meaning that you can sing along with a melody and stay “on pitch/on key,” you are eligible to join us in our Choir endeavors…using our musical gifts to give glory BACK to GOD and to encourage the Saints! Simply send an e-mail to David Martin ( and Tish Dunn (, and they will help you coordinate your infusion into the Choir. Anyone who already is taking part in the Choir can share with you how fun and UN-intimidating it is. You won’t be embarrassed or singled out. It’s FUN!
- The PRAISE BAND continues to rehearse regularly…based upon the need to learn new and inspired songs and based upon any special events, concerts, and/or Assemblies that are on the Remnant Calendar. And SPEAKING OF CONCERTS, as has been announced, we will hold a special Concert evening at the FRANKLIN THEATRE on Friday, March 8th. MICHAEL SHAMBLIN and the Praise Band will take the audience through an awesome evening of praises to GOD and music that will inspire everyone. They will be performing much of Michael’s newest project (to be released very soon!), “Golden Streets.” The Concert also will feature a variety of message-inspired songs from our gifted Remnant singers and players. More details about this evening will follow soon, but the Band definitely calls it a humbling privilege and honor to play music for GOD and for His Church.
Praise GOD for His music…shared here in the Remnant. Who are WE to have “our own music?” THAT is yet another over-the-top BLESSING from the Heavens!