The January meeting is now history for The Experienced. Approximately 50 people attended.
Did you know?
There are 240 Remnant Fellowship members who are considered to be in The Experienced? Of these, 128 live in the Brentwood, Tennessee area, while 112 live in other parts of the USA and the world. So we are a rather large component.
This committee sincerely wants to meet the needs of The Experienced – both in town and abroad – all 240 of you. If you have any suggestions to offer, feel free to make them known.
At our meeting, needs were discussed. Among those needs mentioned were: teaching on bereavement; instruction on the practical side of medical subjects; means and preferences with respect to communication; possible classes on tech subjects; and the feasibility of day trips.
More to come. Stay in touch.
Glory to God!
Thank you Remnant Fellowship and thank you Clark for hosting this meeting. God is so awesome to give us a group “Experience” so that the needs of the Senior are truly met.
Praying for the Experience group daily
Frank and Carmen