The Remnant Fellowship Church is most often described as a happy, joyful, CHANGED group of people. The members of this Church have permanently laid down any type of stronghold and addiction you could possibly imagine…all to the glory of GOD! But overcoming these past sinful, burdensome behaviors and lifestyles isn’t done ALONE. Our members strengthen, encourage, and testify to each other regularly about how they have applied these Weigh Down and Remnant Fellowship teachings to their lives and how they have overcome the “pull” of their past sins. For these victories to occur, it takes Guidance and Visitation, which includes Fellowship. Besides the hours and hours…and pages and pages…of sermons, audios, videos, written materials, and website resources provided, we have a team of Shepherds who address the spiritual needs of our membership, meeting with them and helping to reinforce the Godly principles set forth in Scripture and backed up by the resources made available to everyone. Loving and wise counsel is provided to our members, and the results of putting that counsel into practice is producing Christians who are walking FREE from their old, sinful ways! Meeting these Spiritual Needs is our NUMBER ONE priority as a Church. For with PURITY before GOD, we have His leading and His guidance and His protection.
Remnant Fellowship – Spiritual Needs