This Church and the Weigh Down Ministry that birthed it holds EVANGELISM near and dear to its heart. Our founder, Gwen Shamblin, took her own personal relationship with GOD and her journey to overcoming being overweight…and she shared those pearls of wisdom with the WORLD. This is profound. What easily could have been just a “personal journey or story” turned into a Ministry and Church whose messages literally have reached millions around the world over the past quarter century! That spirit of sharing the Good News…the heart that Jesus Christ shared in His Great Commission…beats strongly here in the Remnant Fellowship. Our Assemblies are available via FREE WEBCAST to the world. We scholarship classes, materials, and other resources to anyone who has financial needs. We EXIST not only to strengthen each other from within…but to REACH OUT to a world that desperately needs to hear this message of change, hope, and overcoming ANYTHING that you might struggle with.
We EXIST to share the Truth as it has been shared with us. This is done in countless, many times unseen ways…but they can best be described as follows: Weigh Down Ministries (a worldwide, quarter century in existence Ministry that has reached the world), Evangelism, New Members, Missions, Prison Services, and Visitor Outreach. Suffice it to say, OUTREACH is in our DNA. We cannot wait to share with the world what we are experiencing every single day!
Remnant Fellowship – Outreach